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Just read your excellent piece. Thank you for "doing the math" on ... 5÷5=1 (still).

Sharing with you a letter written on behalf of PrEP4All and supporters, urging President Biden to:

1) Not *withhold JYNNEOS at this time from health agencies not yet using intradermal;

2) Not count vials as yielding 5 doses because they aren't

Letter is at http://bit.ly/whdonotwithhold

Also great quotes in Stat's 8/23 piece https://www.statnews.com/2022/08/23/u-s-plan-to-stretch-monkeypox-vaccine-supply-runs-into-problems/

I think it's worth highlighting that that study was published in 2015, but based on the results of a trial conducted in 2010 with a total of 524 participants administered the vaccine in three different ways -- which I'm presuming had about 175 individuals assigned to the ID group. 175??

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