May 21Liked by Caitlin Rivers

I am so excited to read this book. I started out working at the Health Department when I graduated from college with BSN. I did everything from immunizations, childhood physicals, followups on communicable disease, referrals from CPS to monitor and educate parents, Home Health (1 of 3 health departments that were selected by Medicare to try out the concept of Home Health care.)

Budget cuts, and other life circumstances pushed me into other jobs and even careers. But public health always remained a major interest. It was during the pandemic, and trying to find credible sources of information, lead me to you and a couple of other sources. Your comment about not releasing information because of panic, resonated with me. I was so shocked at some of the guidance and contradicting information during the pandemic.

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Thank you!!!

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May 21Liked by Caitlin Rivers

I’m so glad you did this! I work in local public health, and I will pass it on to the new brand new, 30 years younger than I am health agents in my region. The part about damping down the message so as not too “cause panic”? The public is more resilient than we think. And if they panic this easily, we’re already done. Stick a fork in us and call it a day. The coming decades will not be kind. Climate change, political instability, inflation, famine, pandemics, and war: we’re in for a bumpy ride.

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I don't believe that my allowing over 3M Americans to die, is a crisis averted. If anything, it is an indictment against the overall lack of science appreciation by the general public and specifically among political leaders, who are responsible for making some of the stupidest decisions regarding public health, that resulted in a ruined economy and making America's science community question its commitment to helping our society.

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Rest assured the title does not refer to the pandemic.

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May 21Liked by Caitlin Rivers

Congrats! I look very much forward to reading your brilliant work!

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May 21Liked by Caitlin Rivers

Congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment and can’t wait to read it!

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May 21Liked by Caitlin Rivers

Congratulations!!! Can’t wait to put in my pre-order ❤️

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Go Caitlin Go!

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May 21Liked by Caitlin Rivers

Just placed a preorder.

Keep up the good work, Caitlin.

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May 21Liked by Caitlin Rivers

just pre ordered my copy.. congratulations.. This is very exciting and I am sure it will be a success. Hope all you who read her posts will pre order a copy too and support her hard work

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May 21Liked by Caitlin Rivers

What a great accomplishment and one that will be greatly appreciated!

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May 21Liked by Caitlin Rivers


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May 21Liked by Caitlin Rivers

I can’t wait to read your book…I will anxiously wait until Oct…just like I wait for your regular updates and analysis on the latest public health issues. Very much appreciated.

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May 21Liked by Caitlin Rivers

Outstanding! I will be sure to pre-order.

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May 21Liked by Caitlin Rivers

Congratulations, just pre-ordered my copy. Thank you for all you do.

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May 21Liked by Caitlin Rivers

Congratulations! I look forward to reading it.

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I’ve preordered!

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