Jul 11·edited Jul 11

I had a choking occurrence at work, with a piece of hard candy while talking on the phone. My hands/ arms flailed in the air, dropping the phone and running to the front of the room. Luckily, a co-worker who was attending nursing school, was able to perform the Heimlich (sp) procedure. Not everyone will clutch their throat to indicate choking. It is a scary feeling.

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I am convinced that an At Home AED is mostly like as important as a home fire extinguisher, and home smoke detectors. Consider how far you live from your local emergency rescue/ambulance service' what is their response time to your location? and what is their response time, if they are out on another emergency rescue call? If the response time is more than 10 minutes and you're NOT proficient in CPR; getting an At Home AED may be the deciding factor in someone taking a trip to the funeral home or to your hospital's ERD. Like your smoke detector and fire extinguisher, you may never use your home AED, but everyone needs to be prepared for all possible eventualities.

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Also, given America's love affair with firearms and allowing unfettered access to firearms; all Americans really need to take a Stop the Bleed Course. The American College of Surgeons STOP THE BLEED® program has prepared nearly 4 million people worldwide on how to stop bleeding in a severely injured.

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Thank you for this service. I am a retired nurse and these videos are excellent refreshers for me too.

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My husband saved a little girl who was drowning, & her dad almost attacked him, & never did thank him.

The inattentive parent left his preschooler in the hot tub to go swim some laps. My husband & toddler son were in the hot tub. I’d had enough water & was talking with him about going back to our room when I noticed that the little girl, who had been bobbing up and down around the tub wasn’t bobbing anymore. She was just standing on the bottom, the water well over her head.

I pointed her out to my husband, who went over and picked her up. After taking a breath she screamed bloody murder. The inattentive dad was suddenly rushing toward him with ill intent on his face.

I literally yelled at him in my most commanding Mom Voice, “She was drowning. She. Was. Drowning.”

He indignantly snatched his child & took her with him to the lap pool. He was Not the least grateful.

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What an excellent series of videos, and a great idea/service. Thank you, Caitlin.

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