with the politics and stupidity of today, your knowledge that we can get from your repost is paramont and many thanks!! As a retired older physician, I have seen these childhood diseases kill!. I'll never forget the boy treated with strychnine and in an iron lung for about 3 moths. He eventually walked away but crippled and handicapped for life! What ARE we doing????!!!!!!
with the politics and stupidity of today, your knowledge that we can get from your repost is paramont and many thanks!! As a retired older physician, I have seen these childhood diseases kill!. I'll never forget the boy treated with strychnine and in an iron lung for about 3 moths. He eventually walked away but crippled and handicapped for life! What ARE we doing????!!!!!!
Thank you for the updates this morning. I'm so sad for those poor kitties...💔
Thank you for the concise information.
Thanks for this update!
Any clarification regarding deaths associated with Texas/New Mexico measles outbreak.