Thank you for speaking out. I spent a weekend with retired educator friend who feels the cdc is not up to standards in communicating to the population. I agree with her. Our 4-some in our 70’s and 80’s lived through COVID-19, and are still trying to do so. My husband and I are retired health care workers and I carry a public health credential although not in epi. We do understand epidemiology results. My comments amplify yours and have to do with what I am experiencing as a lack of communication in health care systems. My member system seems to have removed a layer of communication personnel from their system resulting in a bouquet of errors which I have received in my actions to stay healthy. It’s infuriating. When I was working I used the CDC, NIOSH and other once illustrious research bodies to develop trainings and improve my knowledge for one to one interactions with clients, that is human beings. Please keep up your efforts to illustrate the need for human beings to communicate HONESTLY with human beings. Rosy expectations of dark clouds on the horizon is not optimism, its stupidity.

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congratulations on thereat review from the Wall Street journal. That is not easy to get

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Just want to let you know, I’m loving your book!! As a horse farm owner, all of this is new to me. I feared it would be too scientific for me, but it’s a wonderful read!! And oh so interesting and eye opening! Thank you so much for writing this wonderful book!

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Thank you so much, that is really wonderful to hear <3. If you get a chance, maybe drop a review on Amazon or Goodreads!

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I will do that! Thank you so much for everything you do!

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useful article

it’s been difficult finding authoritative information.

bought book, thanks for what you do!

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Congratulations on your upcoming book, and the wonderful review in the Wall Street Journal. We’ve followed your writings and interviews all through Covid, and have appreciated your clear and consistent information. Best wishes for continued successes.

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Yes, congratulations, Caitlin.

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Congratulations! Public Health Title X Nurse Practitioner here, looking forward to reading your book.

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