Thank you again. These words seem so small and cannot possibly convey the respect and appreciation in my heart for what you have done and continue to do for us. To help us navigate life in a manner that allows us to stay as safe as possible from these types of things. As someone with chronic illnesses you’ve been a precious lifeline.

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Thank you for your work! I have a suggestion, please, for your helpful graphics. I love the idea of a quick glance graphic. I do not understand the color scheme, though.

For example, orange and blue seem to signify something on top (?) and a different something below (respiratory disease by color).

It might be helpful to have dedicated colors for the “gauges” based on risk level (i.e., green for low, yellow for high), with a “dial” that matches the gauge (or if it needs to be a different color, there being some widely understood reason for the different color). Right now, I am not able to understand if orange means low or high risk level. Obviously, I am able to read the gauge to figure it out, but for me, that is despite the colors, not helped by the colors (which takes away part of the quick glance purpose of the graphic). Similarly, the colors for each respiratory disease might be helped by being distinct from threat level gauges, and/or coordinated with the 2 parts of the graphic.

Sorry, very wordy! Easier to point out when talking, if that were possible. But that is just my 2 cents for what might be helpful. Obviously YMMV, especially if it is just me that is confused. :)

Thank you again for your work!

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Thank you!

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Thank you so much for all you do.

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Just ordered your book - sounds fascinating! I read some of the text on Amazon, but only the intro and then as far as the 1st chapter - want to be able to concentrate on the detail better than I can on the online teaser. Can't wait for tomorrow's post! Best wishes from Liverpool (UK)

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Thank you very much for your work and sharing information with us.

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Thank you so much for going above and beyond ❤️

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Adding a thank you. A lot of time spent for this public service.

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Currently reading book....fascinating! Thank you. Seat belts buckled here in the Mt West for the next 4 years. Checking my supply of N95s. Deep thanks for all that you do..

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Oh my goodness, you are wonderful! Thank you so much for doing all this work. I can't express how helpful this is and I am so appreciative!❤️

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This is so important now, more than ever. Thank you!

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Thank you for all your work this past week in providing us an update. I so appreciate your tenacity.

I am saddened, devastated & frightened by the pause in HIV AID via PEPFAR. Gotta keep faith & hope this is only a pause.

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Thanks so much for all your work. I have doubts, but I hope data gathering will be easier once the new HHS gets off the ground. The Utah State Health Department says, "All Utahns should have fair and equitable opportunities to be healthy and safe." The federal government should apply the same standard.

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Thank you Caitlin for your efforts on our behalf.

I was concerned that there wouldn’t be any data available. I like to stay alert for planning my activities, where I go, who I am around so I can make well-informed safety adjustments.

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You are amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your time!

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Thank you for the workaround on flu data. Anecdotally there is still a fair amount here in NorCal, so I always appreciate the context!

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